Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sheriff Arpaio & Senator Pearce to discuss new Sanctuary City Initiative at EGC meeting

From the Coalition for a Conservative Majority.

Each month the EGC meet to discuss current issues. At the next meeting on Sept 3, Senator Pearce and Sheriff Arpaio will discuss and answer questions about the new initiative they are supporting to stop protection for illegal immigrants which currently exists through Arizona Sanctuary Cities policies.

There will also be a presentation by Dr Steve Carol (expert on Mid East history and politics) on the current happenings in the Mid East.

The Executive Guidance Committee (EGC) of the Maricopa County Republican Committee (MCRC) consists of 18 Legislative District Chairmen, five officers, and five members elected at large from the county's precinct committeemen.

The monthly meetings are held on the first Thursday, at
7pm at the State Party HQ, 3501 N 24th St. These are open meetings. Anyone can attend based on seating available. It is likely to be a well attended meeting. You might plan on coming early for seating.

Robert A. Zuluaga - President
Arizona Chapter Coalition for a Conservative Majority
Cell: 602-692-8100
Voice: 520-777-9298

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