A m e r i c a n P o s t - G a z e t t e
Distributed by C O M M O N S E N S E , in Arizona
Joe Arpaio already has earned a nationwide reputation for being America’s toughest sheriff. In a meeting this past Friday afternoon , the Sheriff discussed the possibility of his running for governor. While it’s too early for an official announcement because of campaign finance laws, Arpaio did suggest the possibility of a run for the highest office in Arizona. The stars are in alignment. He has the funding, support of the conservative base, and the timing is right.
There is no doubt the “toughest sheriff in the world” would bring the same no nonsense, cost effective approach to the governor’s office and budget negotiations. Arpaio would never even consider a tax increase until all the fat was cut from bloated state agencies. He would get every department off their high fat diet, and onto lean, green bologna, just as he has done running his no-fat Sheriff’s department.
The list of wanna be’s for governor increases with the clear scent of Governor Brewer’s political blood in the air. Few genuine contenders exist, and the Sheriff presents a formidable challenge. Stay tuned for updates!
I hope that Sheriff Joe Arpaio decides to run for Governor, wins and eventually runs for President. We need someone that is tough, honest and cares for this country in the White House.