Monday, September 21, 2009

Who is looking into the paid ACORN protesters outside Sheriff Arpaio's office?

Now that the true depths of ACORN's corruption has come to light, from voter registration to funding child prostitution, has anyone thought to investigate the paid ACORN protesters outside Sheriff Arpaio's office? They get a lot of media attention and cause a lot of irritation for people working in the area, and have accomplished nothing other than wasting taxpayer dollars which are funneled to ACORN. Arpaio is already investigating ACORN. Let's hope he follows the money to see where our tax dollars are going to fund these paid protesters.

1 comment:

  1. channel 5 this morning tried to paint a picture of 80% surveyed is against Sherrif Joe on the sweeps. Bull crap!!! 80% were probably for him.


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