Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Obama Hero Worship Not in Arizona Schools

Tom Horne was the only school chief in the country to take President Obama's Department of Education over their plan to force students to watch the President and write about how he

Tom Horne to Federal Judges – Stop Judicial Activism
On behalf of the taxpayers of Arizona, Tom Horne won a U.S. Supreme Court case stopping federal judges from micromanaging how your tax dollars are spent. (Horne v. Flores)

Tom Horne Pushes Legislation to Prohibit Ethnic Studies
Tom Horne recently authored legislation to stop school districts from teaching Latino students that they live in occupied Mexico.

“I have tried for two years to put a stop to this dysfunctional program. They have refused and that is why I introduced this legislation.” - Tom Horne

Learn More About Republican Tom Horne
Arizona Republican Tom Horne has created an Attorney General Exploratory Committee and invites you to learn more about his experience and leadership by visiting his web site at can also become a Friend of Tom Horne
by visiting his Facebook Page

Paid for by the Tom Horne AG Exploratory Committee

1 comment:

  1. I don't see why Tom Horne is running on the Republican ticket for Attorney General. He doesn't have a chance at getting out of a Republican primary, he's too liberal. He used to be a Democrat until he switched parties at the last minute to run for state legislature. While in the legislature, he compiled a very liberal voting record. Now as schools superintendent, he's pretending to be more conservative, but he still can't hide everything. He told a group of people a couple of months ago that he supports free public education for illegal immigrant children. Even the left-leaning border counties in Texas have started refusing to accept Mexican children in the schools who illegally cross the border to attend school. Horne is too liberal and wouldn't be much better than our current Democrat AG Terry Goddard. Fortunately, he'll never beat Andrew Thomas in the primary.


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